Recientemente dos de los pintores más famosos y activos de la escena pinturil se han sumado a la tendencia actual y junto con su plataforma de patreon/videotutoriales (merece un articulo aparte) y materiales de ayuda al pintor han sacado su marca de figuras. Ben Komets y Matt Cexwish lanzan Ben Komets miniatures y MoJo dilution helpers.
La ultima novedad de la nueva marca de Ben Komets, esculpida por el genial Lucas Pina (Spira Mirabilis), es un espectacular busto escala 1/9 inspirado en un famosisimo anime! Porco Rosso ya esta aquí!
Lately two of the big names on our painting community have joined the recent wave and presented us their new project!
Lately two of the big names on our painting community have joined the recent wave and presented us their new project!
Ben Komets and Matt Cexwish have launched three new products for us. A patreon/videotutorial platform (deserves a whole article), Ben Komets Miniatures and Mojo dillution helpers.
From Ben Komets Miniatures, here we have its latest and first release. Inspired in a well known anime character and sculpted by the brilliant Lucas Pina (Spira Mirabilis) here we have him: